Sunday, February 24, 2008


My Grandpa passed away on February 16th. He was 84 and he was having heart problems for the past few years. He died very peacefully at home. Grandma asked Braden to speak at the funeral and he did a great job...Pa would have loved it!
He was a great man and I'm going to miss him.


Gunderson's said...

Kris I had no idea, I am so sorry. Anything I can do for you?

Bitter Larry said...

That is great that Braden was able to do that. Most of my grandparents passed away prematurely (if there is such a thing), and I regret that Karin & our kids won't have the chance to get to know them really, at least not for now. I'm glad you at least all got to know him so well.

Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear about the passing of your grandpa.