Friday, March 14, 2008

buried treasure

Our old computer was having some problems. I thought some of my earliest digital pictures were long gone. Last week, I fired the old thing up just to make sure and guess what?!

I found my pictures!

It was really like finding a buried treasure. Pictures that I had completely forgotten about are now found. I also found some priceless pictures I took of the kids with my Grandpa and some from his 80th made my week!

So I thought I would share a couple. I know I've said this before but dang! Paige and Heston look so much alike!

I can't leave little Heston out, here's a picture I took this week of him. He's almost 19 months old and in Nursery now.


Gunderson's said...

Definately a treasure, thanks for sharing with me. :) Heston is darn cute... (as all your kids are)

Em said...

Cookie cutter children must just come with the name "Hammond", because ours look so much alike, too!