Tuesday, October 28, 2008

A Week in the Life

I'm a fan of Ali Edwards. I really like her style and she comes up with some great projects and ideas.
A couple of weeks ago, she completed "A Week in the Life" album. I am so excited to start on this project and I thought you might want to join in with me. It's basically just documenting your every day life for a week through journaling and pictures. Your routines, errands, meals you cooked, activities, anything that you did during the week.
Here's a link to her website that explains it all:


I'm going to start tomorrow and end next Tuesday (election day!) I'm excited, this will be fun!
I'm off to charge my camera batteries and finish my mountain of laundry.

1 comment:

Gunderson's said...

Sounds like a great plan... Let me know how it goes.. :)