Wednesday, November 12, 2008

stepping out of my comfort zone

This last weekend, we attended our ward campout at the Peralta Trails just outside of Apache Junction. One of our bishopric members does team building stuff for a living. We camped at this place where he does his trainings.

When we woke up refreshed and ready to go on Saturday (can you sense the sarcasm? I don't enjoy sleeping in a tent but I was a good sport) we did a couple of the high rope activities. One of them involved a set of partners where each person walks into the middle of this rope and then they help each other to get to the other side, while being suspended 15 feet in the air. Aaron and I made it through that challenge. (The whole time I kept saying to the church folk, 'I'm trying really hard not to vocalize any profanities right now'...if they only knew how hard that is for me when I'm freaked out)

The other challenge involved us climbing to the top of a 25 foot pole and standing on top. Braden was fearless!

These are the Superstition Mountains. Living here, I have a greater appreciation for how beautiful the desert is.

I love this cactus. It was so tall and the way it leaned to one side like that...I've never seen that before. A tall cactus with bad's built like me :)


Keri said...

Oh my goodness, that looks scary. Good job camping, I am proud of you. It is amazing what we will do for our children. I love your cactus pictures.

Jolynn and Zak McCormick said...

Looks like fun-but I would be pretty freaked out too! I am proud of you!!My brother lives in Apache Junction and they go camping in the Superstition Mts all the time almost every weekend-cool looks beautiful!

alisha said...

how awesome! what a great family experience! and the cactus picture rocks...maybe you should take it to canvas!

Gunderson's said...

WTG Kris... Just looking at your pics made my tummy quesy. I am so proud of you for going up so high... And Braden, what a kid!!! That picture of the cactus, thats one to frame.. It's incredible... I was so amazed at how pretty AZ was when I was there, (I guess I was thinking thinking desert/not pretty) I was so wrong... Can't wait to come back for a visit.. :)

Brenda said...

Braden is a brave boy! I'd quit the church if I had to participate in giant pole climbing contests.... ;-)

LostinPlaceKim said...

Wow, Kris. You had a lot more self-restraint than I would have had, there would have been profanities spewing every which way! What an experience though!

Bitter Larry said...

If Aaron had fallen, do you think that hat would have helped? Looks like it's sitting on top of his regular hat. :)