Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Our weekend trip to Tombstone, AZ

Last weekend, we took a trip to Tombstone, AZ. Wyatt Earp, Doc Holliday and the shootout at the OK Corral all happened here. It was fun to just look around and take pictures. I was blown away by the craftsmanship inside some of these buildings, you just don't see that everyday.
After we left Tombstone, Aaron took B&P (I stayed behind with H) to the Kartchner Caverns that are about 30 miles away. They all said how cool it was, we'll have to go back when Heston gets bigger. It was nice to get away and just spend some time together as a family. Before we know it, our kids will be teenagers and they'll want nothing to do with us! :)


girlygirl said...

That looks like so much fun! I agree about the kids growing up so fast. Miss Pickle talks about P all the time. Just yesterday, out of the blue, she said that P told her Raindeer have a "good sense of hearing. They can hear from far away!" I miss you - I want to come see you. Have you ever done the drive by yourself?

The Mom said...

Oh Blair and I are just lovin the pic's(especially the political post) The long horn bull caught Blair's eye. I'm sure he's wondering how he could get horns like that to slam on our wall. FORGET IT BLAIR!!! I'm sure he'd love an array of horns and animals on our walls so we can become the next chuck-e-cheese play show! Oh yeah, go ahead and put us on your blog list cuz I...uh.. kind of did you on my list. Sorry!

Melissa said...

What a cool town. Hope you got some sasparilla! Family trips are so fun. Your kids will remember them and hopefully cherish the memories like I do with mine. Miss you guys!

Em said...

We need to do more little family trips like that. We always do extended family stuff with a big group, but hardly ever just our family. Looks fun!

Keri said...

It always seems you gies are doing the funnest stuff. I love tombstone, it is still one of my all time favorite moives...I'm your Huckleberry....mmmm

Gunderson's said...

Love all of the pics.. Looks like something right out of an old western.. Seems like a great place to visit.. :)