Tuesday, March 1, 2011

reading lessons

I remember years ago being so impressed by my nephew Alec and niece Lexie and their ability to read at a young age. I asked my sis-in-law Alisha how she did it and she shared with me
this awesome book...

Braden was in Kindergarten when we finished this book and he was reading at a 2nd grade level. Paige made it through about 70 of the lessons (I slacked off...will you forgive me Paige?). I started Heston on his lessons in January and it's going great. After he gets home from preschool, we have lunch and then do the lesson. It's our little routine.

I made a chart like this for each of the kids. When they reach 50, they get to pick out a toy. And if they reach 100, they can choose another prize.

Stickers are the magic motivators. I went to Walmart and Hallmark and picked out stickers that represented everything Hes loves: motorcycles, Star Wars, Iron Man and dinosaurs. After he completes a lesson, he gets a sticker on this sheet.

There are many different methods and books on learning to read. Everyone is entitled to their opinion about it. I just wanted to share this with you because it's been such a positive thing for my kids and I'm sure Alisha would say the same thing. It's takes work and patience but when it starts to click, it's exciting!

Thanks Alisha!


alisha hammond said...

it is awesome! hard work, yes...we have the tear stained pages to prove it! but oh so worth it:)

kris said...

Thanks Alisha!