Saturday, May 14, 2011

every picture has a story

I can't believe I'm going to post these pictures let alone tell you the story behind them. There's always a story behind a picture...

The year was 1987. We were doing a dance production of "Snow White and the 7 Dwarfs" and we're getting individual and group pictures taken. I was in ballet and clogging at the time so I showed up wearing my ballet outfit and then I was going to change into my clogging costume. The photographer took the picture and then I went to change into my clogging costume. While I was changing, this wave of terror came over me. I realized that I forgot to bring my underwear. If you've ever been in ballet, you know that you can't wear underwear with a leotard. My mind was racing with ways to fix this problem. 'I'll just wear my tights, that'll work.' But then I realized that my tights are white and my clogging shoes are bright red and that would look really bad. 'I'll just wear the leotard underneath'. I tried that but the lace was hanging out around the neck of my costume. So what do I do now?!

Stick my head out of the dressing room and yell for Mom.

So Mom comes in and I explain the situation. I'm at ease because Mom knows what to do, Mom will fix this problem and save the day.

She says, "Well, you're just going to have to go without underwear."


In my mom's defense, we lived on the outskirts of town and there was no time to go to the store. Kids were lined up and she didn't want to make other people wait on us. I understand that. She said, "Just go stand there and smile, it's no big deal."

Okay, I can do that.

I step out of the dressing room and walk over to take my place and the photographer says, "Great! Okay, I want you to turn to the side and pull up the edges on that skirt so we can see all those ruffles!"

35 year old Kris would tell this guy, 'Look, that ain't happenin'

12 year old Kris just stands there in horror saying nothing while my Mom is in the corner feeling sorry for me and trying really hard not to laugh. It was just my luck that this guy wanted me to strike this "happy hoedown" pose when I stepped up to the plate.

So, you want me to lift up the sides of my skirt? Sorry dude...this is all your gettin'...

When we finished this picture, Mom and I both laughed for days. Laughing is good!
I just realized how much I look like Braden in this picture!

I also forgot about my she-mullet hairstyle :)


Melissa said...

Oh my heck, Kris! Thank you for making me laugh- that story is priceless!! LOVE IT!! btw Braden does look a TON like you!

Lindsey said...

Hehe I was laughing so hard reading this! You did have one awesome she-mullet. If only you still could rock that look :) And yes, that picture really is Braden with a wig and a dress on!

Em said...

Wow! I totally had my bangs cut and styled the same way! I also forgot to put my bloomers on once for a can-can dance! I didn't notice till we had already performed, so I guess that audience really had a show!

kris said...

Wow! That sounds like some can-can dance :)
I don't think that beats the anatomy lesson our girls got at the BYU ballet :)

alisha hammond said...

holy cow braden looks just like you! who needs underwear anyway, lol!