Sunday, May 17, 2009

last week of school

Mother’s Day was awesome! The kids and Aaron spoiled me and I enjoyed my day of doing a lot of relaxing.
I got to talk to Grandma this week, I was so happy to hear her voice! I’ve been writing her letters but it’s just not the same. She’s getting some strength back and is enjoying her new friends at the care center. We can’t wait to see her.
We went and saw Brian Regan with Ray, EmmaLee, Jordan and Karin last night. It was a lot of fun and so nice to go to dinner and laugh your guts out with friends.
It’s officially swim season and we’ve been taking advantage of that. The heat is miserable, I’m not going to lie to you. Being able to swim kind of makes up for it though. The kids have 3 ½ days left of school. They are excited to have a break, it’ll be a fun summer.


The Mom said...

Sounds like your on the same school schedule as we are! We are done this week too and then it's lots and lots of fun fun fun! It's always good to keep cool in a pool!

alisha said...

ohh, it is going to be a good summer! lots of fun ahead! and no homework, projects, or anything else i really detest!

Gunderson's said...

Your kiddos are so stinkin cute... I am quite jealous right now, one that you guys are already swimming and two that your kids are done with school.. :) Can't wait to see you guys this summer.. Miss you!!!