Tuesday, September 16, 2008

If I can do this, YOU can do this!

I was able to have some time this weekend to work on some more digital stuff. I've been having fun and trying new things out. The great thing about digital scrapbooking...NO MESS! I love that. (I'm using Adobe Photoshop Elements 6)

Here are some helpful links if you're interested:

And some FREE kits you can downloadhttp://www.shabbyprincess.com/downloads.asp

These pages were created using the Gabby kit from Shabby Princess. This is my favorite kit.

Thanks again to Karin and Alisha for helping me!


Karin Stephens said...

Great pages! Did you download that kit for free or did you pay for that one?


LostinPlaceKim said...

Those pages are adorable! Someday I need to get around trying the digital route. Heaven knows I've been no good at getting around to the paper stuff in years...