Thursday, September 18, 2008

I've been tagged

I got tagged 3 times so there's no getting out of this one.
3 joys: 1. Aaron and the kids. 2. my family and Aaron's family 3. my friends

3 fears: 1. scarring my children. We do the best we know how to do as parents but I hope at the end of the day we did a decent job of raising them. 2. heights. (I'm with Rebecca on that one) Last year at Disneyland, we went on the ferris wheel and I was having major anxiety. 3. being home alone with the kids when Aaron is out of the country.

3 obsessions: 1. pictures and home movies. I'm obsessed with preserving old family pictures, organizing and backing-up every picture I have. 2. craft stuff, I love it all! 3. being on the computer.

3 interesting facts:
1. I was born Kriston B. My dad wasn't legally adopted by my Grandpa until he was 21. I became a S. when I was 3.
2. I was born on 7/14 and I weighed 7 lbs. 14 oz.
3. My aunt was the manager of the Hallmark store in Vernal. When I was in high school, I used to dress up in a bunny costume around Easter and take pictures with little kids at the store. (I'm usually the person that comes to mind when people are thinking, 'Who can we possibly get to put on this ridiculous costume...Kris will do it!) I had to walk across the street all dressed up (my mom had to hold my arm because I couldn't see) and as I was walking across, I waved at this car just to be silly...and the guy flipped me off! My mom and I were laughing so hard I almost fell over on Main Street. Good times...the story wouldn't be complete without a picture, right?

So I'm going to tag Chassie, Robyn and Brenda.


Jolynn and Zak McCormick said...

SO FUNNY!!!! Thanks for sharing!And about the guy who flipped you off....that's Vernal for ya!!!!

Brenda said...

That's the cutest bunny costume! Far cuter than Hef's bunnies ;-)

Gunderson's said...

Oh Kris you were a darling bunny.. How dare anyone flip you off.. :)That is a scrapbooking moment right there...

Em said...

OOOOOOH, that costume is great!

Rebecca said...

LOVE THE BUNNY COSTUME!! And I love even more that you are confident enough to put a photo from high school on your blog--let alone a picture of you in a bunny costume! You are awesome, Kris!