Thursday, September 11, 2008

life with a 2 year old

I forgot what life was like living with a 2 year old. A month ago, Hes was taking 2 naps a day (i know, crazy huh?), sleeping through the night and staying in his bed until someone got him out. Those days are over. He's climbing out of his bed now, taking 1 short nap a day and his new thing is wandering around the house in the middle of the night. He's high maintenance but I love the kid.
Fall is here!! I don't know about you but I love fall, it's my favorite season. We don't really have Fall in AZ but I'm looking forward to cooler weather. I'm back to my running kids here and there after school and trying to motivate them to get their school work done. You know how it goes...

I just wanted my friends and family to know how much I love looking at your blogs. I love seeing your pictures and hearing about what's going on in your lives.


Gunderson's said...

I sure enjoy reading about you and your sweet family.... Life with a 2year old, busy... I definately agree with you on that one.. :) Love it though, and wouldn't trade it for anything...

girlygirl said...

Oh, I so know how you feel K. The climbing out of bed and not sleeping thing has got me overly paranoid so guess where my son still sleeps (shhh, don't tell him he's still in a C-R-I-B). I am hoping to keep this going until at least December when he turns 3. He fell out trying to climb out once and so he hasn't tried again. Plus, I bought one of those crib tents and he loves it! He thinks he's camping. Anyway, now you know how crazy I am. :) You're the smart one to get it over with though. Anyway, hope you're doing well!
Love ya!

Jess,Von, and Samantha Higgs said...

Tag! You are it! Check out my blog for details!

Melissa said...

Isn't 2 fun?? Mine is a tornado-she leaves a mess everywhere she goes. She also does this cool thing where she takes off her clothes and has even taken off her diaper-so gross!! So Aaron runs regularly huh? Nate was saying he need a good half to run this winter....maybe we'll have to come to Phoenix. :) Miss you guys!