Tuesday, December 2, 2008

our Thanksgiving

We had a great Thanksgiving and I hope all of you did too! I did the same thing that I do every year, I ate way too much. We spent Thanksgiving at my brother’s house again this year. It wasn’t quite the same without Mike, Linda and Company (Linda is my mom’s older sister) but it was still good. My cousins and I could tell you stories about my relatives and our past Thanksgivings that would have you laughing and then asking, "Is that really true?"
When Jeff Foxworthy does his ‘You might be a redneck’ stand-up routine, everyone laughs because it’s funny. I laugh because I have relatives that are exactly like the people he talks about. Good times…

I posted some pictures this summer of the kids on my Dad’s tractor. He put the backhoe attachment on it and let B&P give it a try out in the garden. Braden LOVED it! He would dig the hole and then put the dirt back in and pack it down. That’s one of the things that I love about going home to Vernal. My kids get to experience and do things they don’t normally do. Paige and Heston found leaves in the back yard and enjoyed raking them up and jumping in them.

I know it's totally cheesy but I love the shape of this tree.


Melissa said...

Aw, Kris, we missed you guys!! I'm glad you got to see Grandma and the Vernal fam. I can't believe you went there and didn't get any greasy food...glad you got to see some movies. We always see tons when we go to IF.

Gunderson's said...

What amazing memories your kids will cherish... Love the pics, the one of H & P in the leaves, so adorable... :)

Super Mom said...

Oh yeah. Nice tree, Kris. Real exciting. LOL

kris said...

I know...I told you the comment about the tree was cheesy and I wouldn't expect anything but sarcasm from Sister Rook. :)