Wednesday, December 16, 2009

little pieces of Christmas

Don't you just LOVE this time of year?! It gets a little stressful here and there but once the kids are out of school on Friday, we'll be able to focus more on the good stuff. These are just little pieces of December at our house
We made some homemade ornaments for the tree (I have to include the never-ending pile of laundry sitting on our couch in the background)
The sock countdown to Christmas. This is one of the kids favorite traditions that we started last year.

a gift from my parents (one of my favorite things)

I love all the ornaments that we've received and made over the years. The Chicago Bulls one is from 1997, our first Christmas
I never get tired of the ornaments the kids make...they make me happy
My mom sent this one to me this year. I've collected Wonder Woman stuff for a long time. As a child, I idolized her and honestly thought that I had super powers. I'll leave that story for another day...
No tree is complete without Hank Aaron. Grandma gave this to me. I spent many nights as a kid watching baseball with her so this one is special to me. I'm looking forward to seeing her over the holidays...I miss her like crazy

my favorite basketball player of all time (sometimes I look at this and think, 'I have Larry Bird in short shorts on my Christmas tree, have I lost it?')

my sweet little momma made these one year
last but not least, the good ol' star on top. Aaron and I bought this star the first Christmas we were married. We were poor college students that decided to splurge on a Christmas tree and some decorations at Kmart. The glitter is worn off and a light doesn't work on one side but I just couldn't part with it.


ME said...

I love your ornaments! I didn't know you were a Wonder Woman fan. Linda Carter went to school with my parents. My mom was good friends with her sister Pam. They have great yearbook photos of her from Arcardia High!

Melissa said...

Ahh, Kris, I love your ornaments. Larry Bird is awesome and I spied Wonder Woman on there before the close-up. Love it!! You should have done close ups of the ones you made. I love homemade ones. Our tree topper is a Santa I got for $1 at the dollar store. Things with a story behind them are the best. Enjoy your holidays!!

Gunderson's said...

Love all your "classics".... Wonder Woman rocked, but I am however wondering where oh where is your Fred Savage ornament!!! :)

girlygirl said...

Love this!!! Thanks for sharing! We also have a star on top we got the first year we were married. I remember searching all christmas for a star and finally found one stashed in a box on the top shelf of a clearance rack in store. I was so excited! I don't think I could part with ours either. Love Wonder Woman! And your new nativity. I've always wanted one like that--it's willow tree isn't it?