Monday, January 17, 2011

Valentine wreath

I saw this wreath on a blog called The Idea Room and fell in love with it! (What is it with me and wreaths?) It's a pretty easy and inexpensive project and one that Paige and I could do together.

You need: straight pins, 1 1/2 yards felt, 3 inch circle template (i used a mug) and a styrofoam heart. (I had a hard time finding this, eventually found one at Hobby Lobby for $3)

trace your circles on the felt and cut them out. I didn't count but you need quite a few circles, you want it nice and full (I cut them out while catching up on my recorded shows)

Next, you fold the circle in half and then fold it again. Place a pin at the point and then into the heart.
Just continue the process on the top, inside and outside of the heart...
Next, pin a loop of ribbon on the back and you're done! (I'm going to change the ribbon, I'm not feeling the pink one I have on there. )
If you decide to make one, I'd love to see pictures!
A pink one would be cute too :)


Casey said...

So gorgeous! Loving it!

Melissa said...

super cute as always cuz!! jealous that you have a hobby lobby- IF may get one 10 years from now.... Thanks for sharing!

Em said...

Very cute, Kris!

alisha said...

great job! what a fun mom&daughter activity:)

girlygirl said...

Love this!! Thanks for sharing!