Saturday, September 7, 2013

You are still a good person

This summer, I got a chance to meet up with my former roommate Cindy. I still remember that day back in July 1996 when we met like it was yesterday. She's one of the sweetest people around and it was so much fun to reconnect with her. Back in the day whenever something would go wrong or we would make a mistake she would say,
"It's okay! You are still a good person!"
We would laugh and then that phrase became our apartment motto. It's such a simple statement but there's some profound truth there. I had some not so good days this week and I had to tell myself that everything is going to be okay and you're still a good person.
So thank you Cindy!
When I saw this on her car, I think it quite possibly made my summer :)


Em said...

Aw! Love Cindy and all of her little sayings! We all need this reminder!

kris said...

Isn't Cindy the best?! So is the Coug :)