Monday, October 8, 2007

PBS series "The War"

Aaron is into war documentaries and we have been watching the new series by Ken Burns on PBS called "The War." This series talks about stories from veterans that served in WWII. What their lives were like before and after the war. My grandpa served in the 342nd Armored Field Artillery unit in the Army. He was the leader and gunner on a tank. (There were 5 other men in the tank with him.)Out of hundreds of men in his company, he was one of 12 men chosen to be a gunner. In addition to his duties as a gunner, he would sit in the tank above the driver and give commands to the other guys in the tank by using hand signals. He also would tap the driver on the shoulder so he would know where to go. Here's a picture of him with the tank. He's the one on the right.

Grandpa never spoke of the war, not to my Grandma, not to Mom and her sisters, not to anyone. It's only been in recent years that he's talked about it. I can recall a time when he told me about his group liberating a concentration camp. When he and his group entered, what they saw...he told about how one of the men dropped to the ground and was crying while kissing his dirty boots. I can't even imagine what Grandpa saw, what he experienced, how many of the friends he lost...

If you get a chance to watch "The War", I highly recommend it.

While we're on the subject of war my cousin, Justin, will be leaving tomorrow to do another tour of duty in Iraq. He'll be there for 6 months. Please keep him and the other soldiers in your prayers. Thanks!


Casey said...

I saw Ken Burns being interviewed on the Today Show about this series. It sounds like he did an incredible job. Will keep your family in our prayers.

Anonymous said...

Hey Kris,
I've been watching that series too and it SO good!!! I love it. Last sunday they showed all 14 hours straight. I watched as much as I could during conference and have already added the series to my christmas wish list. Anyway, it is good to keep in touch with you. We wish your cousin safety as he returns to Iraq. Eric's brother is in Afghanistan and I have a cousin in Iraq as well. It sure makes you appreciate their sacrifice. Between Eric and I we actually have 5 members of our immediate family in the armed services so we are very aware of the sacrifices that are required. Lots of love and keep in touch!

Em said...

Ray and I watched the series too. It was very interesting. I can't even imagine what those soldiers had to sacrifice, but I'm so grateful! My brother in law leaves for Iraq again in a few months. So, my sister in law will be alone with her 5 kids. I admire them so much for doing that.