Monday, November 2, 2009

Mission Beach, CA and BYU football game

I'm a little behind here...story of my life!
Last month, we took the RV down to San Diego for the BYU/San Diego State football game. On Friday, we spent the day at Mission Beach. The weather was absolutely perfect! Aaron bought some boogie boards for the kids and they had a blast. It was a fun day hanging out as a family. (I'm cherishing every moment of this stuff because these kids are growing up way too fast)

We went to Qualcomm Stadium on Saturday and did some tailgating before the game. When we went to find our seats, we were pleasantly surprised how close we were to the field.

my poor children...Aaron's turned them to the dark side (the Yankees)
No one tell my Grandma :)

some of the players came by after the game to say Hi to the fans. This is Harvey Unga.
OK now it's time for a helpful tip for all you parents out there that have little ones.
Nacho cheese is a good thing when you want your child to be good during a football game.
Hes will now demonstrate:


Em said...

The pics of Heston and the cheese sauce are great! He's adorable!

girlygirl said...

so darling!!! what an awesome mom you are--doing so many cute things with your kids! You go girl!

Unknown said...

What a fun trip! We love mission beach too. Can't believe Aaron is corrupting the kids with NY Yankees CRAP. Boo Yanks.

Melissa said...

Good thing Grandma didn't know Aaron likes those DA#* Yankees before you got married-she may have tried harder to scare him away! So jealous you got to do the beach and Nate is jealous you went to the BYU game. Glad you guys had so much fun-trips make awesome memories.

The Mom said...

How fun! It's good to see the kids!