Friday, November 20, 2009

what's up this week

The holidays are fast approaching and like many of you I've been running like crazy just trying to keep up with everything. I love the holidays and I'm looking forward to some relaxing family time.
This week, I had the pleasure of attending a defensive driving course. A few weeks ago on my way to take H to preschool, I was going 46 in a 35 through an intersection and was caught by the photo cameras. The speed limit is usually 45 on most roads here but I didn't realize this certain area was 35. The ticket was $210 (um, yeah that's not cheap) so I opted to pay $198 and attend a 5 hour class so that it doesn't go on my record and change my insurance rates. Good times...I have vowed to become a slower driver. I was telling Aaron that it was actually kind of nice in one aspect...I could sit for a couple of hours just focusing on 1 thing and not having anyone yelling for 'Mom'. :0)
This week at school, Braden received the Jaguar Award from his principal at flag ceremony. It was for being kind and respectful. I'm so proud of him :)
(hey Mom, you'll have to tell Gary and Maryann that B is representin' DD in AZ for them, he loves that shirt)

The weather here is beautiful so it's back to playing at the park. Our sweet little Paigey kinnny kin little buddy and crafty partner in crime :)

H had his preschool program yesterday. I told him to go get his shoes on, we hopped in the car and when we got there, I realized he had his Buzz slippers on. I laughed and thought he would be in the back, no one would see them. I bet you can guess where they put him on the guessed it...the front row. The curtain was closed and the kids were shuffling into place and I could see his slippers, in all their glory with lights blinking, under the curtain. It was cute...those are the things you don't want to forget.

1 comment:

girlygirl said...

:) :) :)--love it! So many fun memories to treasure! Whenever I read your posts, I always wished we lived closer! By the way, I feel your pain with the ticket thing. I got one in the spring for going 37 in a 25--same thing. I thought the road was 35, but alas, it wasn't. I think I only had to pay 100 bucks, but still.