Saturday, February 20, 2010

5th grade field trip

I remember my 5th grade field trip like it was yesterday. When you grow up in a small town, you're very limited on museums. By the time you're 10, you've seen it all...twice. For our field trip, we hopped on our bikes and went on a 3 mile bike ride through Dry Fork Canyon to "Remember the Maine" park. (Of course everyone wanted a BMX bike, especially after the movie "Rad") Safety on field trips wasn't a word that really existed in 1985, especially in rural Utah. We had so much fun though :)

On Wednesday, I got to be a chaparone for Braden's 5th grade field trip. I forgot about the lack of leg room on a bus and how loud it can get. We went to the Halle Heart Center in Tempe and then to Kiwanis park for lunch. It was great and it was so much fun to watch B interact with his classmates.
This was our little group...they are all such good kids. This picture cracks me up! The way the girls are huddled up to one side...they don't want to get any boy cooties:)
And the sweet, polite little things called me Mrs. Hammond...I swear I will never get used to that.

I think this was their favorite part of the day...playing tag

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