Sunday, November 27, 2011

our Thanksgiving

Don't you just love Thanksgiving?! My parents came down this year and we had a great Thanksgiving. I brought my camera to take pictures and it didn't have a card. The kids took my backup camera out of my purse so I had to take these pics with Aaron's phone.

The Thanksgiving feast, complete with my favorite...Frog Eye Salad!
 the table
 the turkey. I bought it from Trader Joe's this year. It was really good!
 Mom, Dad and kids
We played games and watched Captain America. My parents bought a 3-D tv and we wanted to try it was really cool.
And the Frog Eye Salad was delicious!

1 comment:

Lindsey said...

Thanksgiving just isn't the same not going to Vernal and having some Polar King :( We didn't even have frog eye salad! Miss you guys!