Tuesday, May 20, 2008


Paige has had a fun week so far. The class celebrated her birthday yesterday (she has a July birthday) and she was chosen as Student of the Month.

She came home yesterday wearing this hat and it made my week! I was taking her picture and then she started making these faces saying she had to go pee...I almost peed my pants laughing with her.

Braden finished his basketball season on Saturday. He really enjoyed basketball this year. He loves Legos and this creation is his pride and joy. He wants to be a Lego builder and live in New York City. He told me a while ago, "Don't worry Mom. I'll send you a postcard from New York."

I've been scrapbooking again in the past week. I took a break and was sewing for a while. I like to go back and forth so I don't get burned out. I finished this page last night, my little girl is growing up...

Last night was the finals of Dancing with the Stars. I haven't talked about it here for a while but I'm still watching. They all did a great job. Kristi and Jason did awesome! Every year the dances get more and more complicated and competitive. They're both great, it's a toss up. I feel the same way about American Idol. Both Davids are great.

Have a great Tuesday!


Jolynn and Zak McCormick said...

She is so cute! She looks alot like you. I hear it's already pretty hot down there. How old is she again? How are you all doing? Take care!

Gunderson's said...

Those pics just crack me up, how funny. She is such a little doll. Way to go Paige.. Very impressed with Bradens lego creation.. How do you keep Heston out of it. Looks awesome... :)

Gunderson's said...

Oh ya darling page too. :) Glad I have you around to keep me inspired.

Brenda said...

Brendan thinks HE'S going to be a master builder! They can be buddys. He loves Legoland more than Disneyland!!!! Maybe we can meet up and vacation there in the fall. Cute page for Paige, I've made pages, but none have pictures. Woops!!!