Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Wednesday stuff

Happy Wednesday. I really need to be doing laundry but I'm not. I'll blog for a minute and then see how I feel.
Our sister-in-law Alisha took some pictures for us when she was down here in April. She did a great job and I appreciate her doing that for us. Thanks so much Alisha! It's hard to get Aaron to agree to a family picture (goes back to issues as a kid) so I'm happy he gave in.

6 more days of more making 6 trips to the school in a day, hooray! It's time for yearbooks and class parties and no more tests for a while. I don't know who's more excited, me or the kids. (Give me until after Memorial Day and I'm sure I'll be ready to send them back)

It reminds me of being a kid and how exciting that last day of school was. Cleaning out your desk, signing yearbooks ('Stay cool this summer' or 'Have a rad summer') and then going outside on the playground to watch the boys breakdance...good times...


Gunderson's said...

Just adorable!!!!

Em said...

We used to chase a boy named Tanner in elementary school, and he would bring a sheet of cardboard for breakdancing on the playground - hot! Your kids could all be models! AMEN to everything you said about school ending! I'm so ready!