Thursday, October 2, 2008


Is it Thursday already? It's crazy how fast time flies, especially during this time of year. I've got to get the whole Halloween costume stuff figured out pretty soon. Paige wants to be Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz, that'll be fun. It's hard to find modest costumes for young girls!

It's Conference weekend! I love Conference, it's a good thing. Here's a little packet I found on Sugardoodle that you can print off for your kids. I find these helpful.

This idea out of October's Friend magazine sounded like fun, too:

Have any of you had your Primary Programs yet? Ours is coming up in a couple of weeks and I would love to hear how yours went. I applaud anyone who has ever had to pull one of these off. I have an awesome counselor that does a great job with the program.

Have a fun weekend!


girlygirl said...

Thanks for the info about conference - cute packet and ideas - even if I am on the fence ;)

Also, they asked Alex to give a talk - probably to get us there but, anyway, it went really well. I had an idea that turned out awesome, so if Paige has to speak and you want any ideas, call me and I'll tell you what we did. Thanks for your post!

Love ya!

girlygirl said...

I have one other comment. I was looking at your blog and clicked on Heather Bailey Designs. Wow - does she have some cool stuff! I was really impressed with how cute and original everything is - and I LOVE her "trash ties"! I am always looking for stuff for my hair - especially stuff that will hold it. It's hard to find sometimes. Anyway, I just love all the cool stuff and ideas I get on your site! Love ya! Have a great day!

Em said...

Target has those sparkly red "Dorothy" shoes. Marinne was Dorothy one year and wore those. She already had a blue gingham dress and just wore a white t-shirt under it so it would be modest. Too bad I got rid of it, or I'd let you borrow it. Our Primary program was last week. It went pretty well. They were brave and let a lot of kids do solos.

Gunderson's said...

I begged Court to be Dorothy, she wanted no part of it... Oh well... Thanks for all the cute ideas you give... Your the best... :)