Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Happy Birthday Aubree and Alisha

Happy Birthday to my sweet little niece Aubree and my sis-in-law Alisha! One of my goals for 2009 is to send a birthday card to all my neices, nephews, bro and sis-in-laws. Here it is February and I'm already a slacker! I also haven't sent my nephew Ian's card yet so I'd like to give him a late b-day shout out from crazy Aunt Kris and Co.
I love my nieces and nephews so much! Each and every one of them are just the coolest kids. I'm so thankful for them and for my bro and sis-in-laws, they are all so good to me! :)


The Mom said...

Oh Kris! That is just the sweetest! I hope you know how precious you (and all the SIL's) are to our family too. You are always thinking of others and are a great example to us all. I love this picture!! I used it in my blog too so thanks for sending a copy. HAPPY BIRFDAY SHEESHA TOO!

Rebecca said...

Awww....we love you too, Kris! You are the best "Aunt Krisps" ever!