Wednesday, February 18, 2009

this school year is flying...

I have Parent-Teacher conferences today and it made me realize how fast this school year has gone by. I did this layout a couple of weeks ago. I need to put together something for them with their school pictures/papers. I have got to get some of the school keepsakes under control. If you have kids in school, you know exactly what I'm talking about. What to keep, what not to keep... I think that needs to be my next project. Nothing fancy, I just need something that is organized! If you have any ideas, I'd love to hear them!
I hope everyone is surviving the winter! I remember this time of year in Utah very well. You just want the snow to be gone and spring to come! Hang in there!
I wanted to share with you this link to 40 sketches that were on the Creating Keepsakes website this month. I love these sketches, it helps so much!


Gunderson's said...

Totally cute.. Thanks for the ideas, can always use layout ideas.. Miss you..

girlygirl said...
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girlygirl said...

I lable manilla envelopes (the big ones) with the year and month and then put all the stuff inside. I know - not super fancy, or displayed for that matter, but at least I know where it is. The other thing I've started to do is upload her artwork - I take a picture of it - into Artsonia(.com). It's a free online art gallery for kids. Then grandparents can view the stuff and, if they want, buy copies, t-shirts, mugs, etc. with that picture on it. It's nice to have it all in one place. My other thought has been to take my favorites from the photographs of artwork/schoolwork and have a book made.

Nik said...

I have a bin in each child's room for all of their schoolwork. I keep everything until the end of the year. Then we sit down together and decide what we really want to keep, what's important and what isn't. Then the keepsakes go in the scrapbook! And the rest goes in the trash! :) If it doesn't fit in the scrapbook, take a picture of it.

Karin Stephens said...

Thanks for the sketches link. I am totally printing those and using them. I've been in a how do I organize my pictures on the page slump.
