Monday, March 7, 2011

Ostrich Festival 5k 2011

On Saturday, our family ran in the Ostrich Festival 5k here in Chandler.

Paige and I ran together. She took 2nd place in the girls 9 and under. Good job Paige! We had so much fun!

She was excited when they called her name...

Braden the running rockstar. He had been sick 2 days before but he still wanted to go out and run


the kids before the race

Aaron ran with Hes. He was one of the youngest kids there that actually ran. He told Aaron, "I'm running! I'm running!"
This picture kills me...his little legs and that huge t-shirt :)
My baby is growing up...

the kids with the cute little ostrich. Can you tell that they are standing here because Mom made them? :)
I'd like to take a moment and commend the people behind these costumes. It's hard and sweaty work. Some people hit you in the back of the head to see if you'll fall or flip you off when you try to wave at them...I can empathize...

1 comment:

alisha hammond said...

way to go hammond family:) congrats paige!