Wednesday, August 10, 2011

a day of firsts

Today is the first day of school!
How can it be? We just started our summer vacation! We have a few milestones to celebrate today. Braden is going into Junior High, Heston is starting Kindergarten and I'll be working as an AM playground aide. I think it will work out great. It will be a good distraction for me, especially tomorrow. If I wasn't busy doing something, I would probably be home crying my eyes out because my babies are growing up.
Yes, I'm one of those pathetic moms...
You should have seen me on Braden's first day of wasn't pretty :)

1 comment:

Cyndi said...

I'm in the same boat. My "baby" starts kindergarten next week... I'm so nervous for this next chapter of life! Seriously, what do SAHM's do when all their kids are gone to school?? Guess I'll just have to do some projects! ;) good luck, my friend.