Friday, September 9, 2011

Grandparent's Day memory

Today was Grandparent's Day at school. As I was looking around and talking to the grandparents here and there, I couldn't help but think back to Grandparent's Day at Naples Elementary School. A precious little memory that was tucked back in my mind came to me today. A memory of my Grandma coming to Grandparent's Day with me when I was in 4th grade. My friends adored her (and really, how many grandma's do you know that can rock a blonde afro? :) I took her into my classroom so my teacher could meet her. I introduced her to my teacher Mrs. Ence by saying, "This is my Grandma and she spoils me!" :)

Grandma made a huge impact on my life. I'm so blessed to have spent so much time with her growing up. A grandmother's love is so unique and special...I cherish so much the lessons she taught me and the unconditional love that she gave to me.


Lindsey said...

That was a really sweet memory. I'm glad that you remembered it and shared it. We really did have the best grandma ever!

kris said...

AMEN to that Linds! :)
The greatest!