Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Veterans Day

This is the day each year that we have to reflect on the millions of Americans who have served our country. Usually on Veterans Day, the kids write papers about what this day means to them and they send drawings and essays to my Grandpa. This will be our 1st Veterans Day without him. I'm missing him, especially today.
I have so many favorite pictures however these two are very special to me.


TheWesselmanWeekly said...

That is very touching. It is so hard when you miss someone who meant so much.

Jolynn and Zak McCormick said...

Thanks Kris- on Sunday in RS our lesson was about the letters Emma and Joseph wrote to each other and we got talking about how we can show love to our family members and I wanted to tell the girls in there to never take for granted being able to tell the ones you love that you love them-(my Mom has been gone almost 3 years) and you just don't realize how special they are to you until you can't tell them that you love them-thanks for this post is was very touching-

Lindsey said...

This got me a little teary-eyed. I was just thinking that Thanksgiving is coming up and that last year, grandpa was there. This year we aren't even going to Vernal for Thanksgiving. It makes me miss the days when everyone was there on Thanksgiving. I love that picture of grandma receiving the flag. We are going to try and go see her on Saturday.

Paul and Megan Hawkes said...

I love blogging. I don't do a lot with our facebook account but I do like to keep my blog up. Your family is so cute. What a great tribute to your Grandpa. I love anything patriotic! Have a great day.

Em said...

Those pictures are neat. Did you go to the Veteran's Day program at the school? It always makes me cry. We should be so grateful!

Melissa said...

Awww, I miss him too. Just today my mom-in-law was telling me how she went to my nephew's school and they had a veteran's day program to honor vets. I thought of Pa and those little old men who came out in the cold to give him a 21 gun salute. Maybe we should write thank yous to them. :)

Gunderson's said...

You loved him so much, what a great tribute to him...